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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Friday, January 8, 2010

Rethinking my shrink.

Why is rethinking my shrinking strategies a CONSTANT necessity?! I hate that! You discover a plan that works GREAT, but suddenly, without warning or cause, it doesn't anymore! Very annoying.

I achieved great success following the eating plan from the "Becoming a Woman of Moderation" Bible study that kicked off this blog. I followed the plan faithfully for the entire 8-week study, and by the time it ended at the beginning of June, I'd lost just over 16 lbs. I've continued to lose fairly steadily since then, but at a SIGNIFICANTLY slower pace. And why is my pace slower? Because I abandoned the plan once summer was in full swing and just never went back to it.

I meant to once school started again in September, but somehow, it seemed harder than it had in spring. And I just couldn't get myself to NOT eat. Why is motivation so dang fickle?!

I guess because we're under the impressiong that it's a feeling. Everyone knows emotions are fleeting and constantly changing ~ especially women's emotions! Waiting to FEEL motivated is often the fatal flaw in weight-loss strategies or any other goal-setting exercise. If we base motivation on feelings, it will always only be temporary ~ and often won't be there at all, if you're anything like me!!

Motivation must be a decision. If we base motivation on knowledge, and decide to persevere regardless of how we feel, that's when we'll continually experience success.

So here I sit, starting off yet another year heavier than I'd like to be, and setting some goals for myself. I've got the weight goals in place, but HOW TO GET THERE is a bit trickier!!

  1. I don't remember where I wrote it ~ whether here on the blog or in an email to someone ~ but one of my babysteps is that I want to feel hungry at least twice a day. Before I eat lunch and supper, I want my stomach to have been growling so I'll know I actually need to eat. So far since we got home from Christmas-ing in The Big City, I've succeeded with this.

  2. I also need to eliminate routine evening snacking. Emphasis on the "ROUTINE." This doesn't mean that I won't allow myself to EVER eat in the evenings, but normal evenings at home should NOT be spent eating! This might mean virtually eliminating TV from my habits as well, since I can't seem to watch TV without eating.

  3. Also, I need to improve my water consumption. This is a strange thing for me to have to specifically make a goal because for most of my adult life, I've easily consumed 1-2 litres/quarts per day in addition to what I drink at mealtimes. I've noticed over the last several months though, that I've been brewing bigger and bigger pots of coffee in the morning and that I sooner pour myself a cup several times throughout the day than drink water. I need to get back to just two cups of coffee in the morning and then water for the rest of the day.

  4. Exercise remains a challenge and I haven't quite decided what I want to do about it. I SAY I want to do my Fat-Burning Pilates video (the only cardio workout video I own) on days when I can't or don't walk outdoors, but I have yet to actually DO that. I just don't like exercising!! I LOVE walking and jogging, but that obviously has to do more with enjoying the solititude and being outside (even at -40!) than with exercise. Does anyone have any suggestions for short cardio workouts, like 10-15 minutes in length?

    Since beginning this post, I've checked out the 10-Minute Solutions series and they look interesting. Shorter workouts are MUCH more appealing and far more likely to happen!! I think a couple of these will be my reward for successfully meeting my 8-pound goal for this current Sisterhood challenge.
Okay, I think that's enough babysteps for this challenge!! Any more and I'll give up before I even start trying!

Image from ClipArtOf.com


Brooke said...

this winter i've noticed myself drinking more coffee too - it became habit when i got a cold and my throat was sore. now its...well just a habit. this week, i started getting a glass of water at the same time as my coffee and its helped a lot.

so...what have you done for exercise today???

Mendie said...

It is hard to get back on track...but when you start to feel like you are going to stray, stop and think if it is worth it. That is what I need to work on this year.

It helps to write these things down...keep them fresh in our minds! You can do this in 2010! We can do this!

Tammy said...

I recommend the 30 Day Shred! I think it's only about $12 on Amazon. And if you want it to be about 15 mins instead of 20, just do 2 of the circuits instead of all 3.

Use small or no weights to start if you need to.