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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Tough Week

Weighing in with Heather & Ash
Joining the weigh-in with
Heather & Ash
Ugh, last week I had a hard day.  This week the whole week was rough!!

I had counted on having three fasting days, like my plan dictates ~ Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Monday went according to plan, but Wednesday began with a friend and a long overdue BREAKFAST date. It was the only day that suited, and since what used to be a monthly thing hadn't happened since last May, we decided now was the time.  So my eating plan for the week was a little messed up.

I'd thought I'd maybe have my fasting day on Thursday then and just have two, but my seasonal tax-time job has begun and that was my first day of work.  Like I mentioned not that long ago here, I have a really hard time fasting on work days, so I didn't bother.  I counted on my usual Friday fast, but that didn't end up happening either...

It would have been fine ~ I was at home alone basically all day ~ but working with food for my daughter's birthday party all day just made not eating impossible.  I made it through breakfast and the morning munchies, but caved slightly after noon, at which point I indulged in some leftovers from the fridge and FOUR eggnog cookies.  (Believe it or not, we still had some leftovers from Christmas!)

I tend to go a little overboard when I cave.  It would have been far smarter to realize I wouldn't be able to work with food all day without eating and just planned for a half day.  Oh well.  I guess I'll know better for next time!

So there you go.  Wednesday was a normal day instead of a fasting day, Thursday was a half-to-normal day like it should have been, but then Friday was also a half-to-normal day instead of a fasting day.  Saturday was "normal" like it's supposed to be, but Sunday was a little closer to "normal" than "half" and my first Monday at work was definitely NOT a fasting day again...

It's really no wonder there was again no movement on the scale.  I am a little surprised there wasn't at least a couple of ounces since feeling hunger pangs is something I've experienced on a daily basis for the last two weeks and it's something I generally don't when I'm eating the way I feel like eating.  So I'm not sure why I'm hanging on to my beginning weight, but I'm surprisingly unphased by the lack of change.  I feel better in my clothing and about how I'm eating.  The weight will come off sooner or later.  Not anywhere close enough weight- or time-wise to reach that little month-end goal I'd kinda set for myself, but I'm still making forward progress even though the scale hasn't caught on.


Rebooting Myself said...

Oh man, I hear ya there. When I overindulge I totally bring it to the extreme. Just keep plugging along! The weigh will come off!

Unknown said...

Sorry you've had a bad week. Stay positive, next week will be better.

Brooke said...

love the cartoon!! :)
when i go off the end, i make sure its good and deep too.