About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Sisterhood of the Shrinking JeansWell, I'm not sure which "shrink-a-versary" I'm personally celebrating (seems I've been trying to shrink FOREVER!), but The Sisterhood is celebrating one year in existence next month and hosting not only another weight loss challenge, but daily giveaways for the entire month of November as well!

And it's time I hopped back on top of things. Since early summer, my weight has continued to drop, but not at all significantly. And while I'm impressed that I've been able to maintain a weight that hovers around and just under 160 lbs (as opposed to around or above 190!) without feeling like I'm missing out on anything, it's time to prove that I can accomplish a little bit more yet.

This challenge ends seven weeks from now, on December 16, and I'd like to drop 8.8 lbs during that time, which would bring me to an even 150. And being able to maintain THAT weight over Christmas holidays will really be an impressive personal accomplishment!!

I don't know that I really have a strategy in place just yet, but I'd planned to resume the habit of routine fasting this fall and that hasn't happened yet, so I think that will be step 1.

Running and walking is another thing that's sort of fallen by the wayside this fall since hubby's finally working full-time again, which means he's gone a minimum of 13 hours a day (and sometimes he doesn't even bother coming home, but sleeps in the truck overnight so that he can get more sleep hours) and the only days I can walk or run outside are kindergarten days and weekends. And even those have been pretty hit and miss, since he's been busy working at the shop on the trucks on weekends and the weather's been really damp the last several weeks. Of course, I have an elliptical and a couple workout videos, but so far, I haven't convinced myself to switch to those forms of exercise. That might be my step 2!

And cutting out evening snacking (AGAIN!) will be step 3. The never-ending battle!

All in all, I think 8.8 lbs in 7 weeks should be very doable. IF I start exercising some will-power.

Jump Rope


*Lissa* said...

It is very do-able! You can do it!

The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans said...

YAY, Tammi!! I'm so glad you joined this challenge.

Congrats on being able to maintain! That is SO big. I hear you on the running and finding time. With my husband gone during the week, it makes it tough. I know you can find a way to work it in, though!!

We're going to ROCK this challenge, I just know it!!

Mommy Mo said...


I'm with you on the evening snacking- that is probably the hardest thing for me to cut out.

Brooke said...

you are awesome and incredibly strong. i have no doubt you can do it. (especially since I know what Power Source you tap into)

april said...

Yep. It's doable.


Tammy said...

I know you can do it! So, go out there and prove me right :)

Mendie said...

Let's do this Tammi! Glad your hubs is back to working again so much, but I'm sure its a change not to see him so much!

Good luck!

Andrea said...

I want to lose exactly 8.8 pounds too, but in the next 6 weeks...let's see if we can BOTH do it!!