About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Weigh-in Wednesday

Burst into Summer Challenge @ Sisterhood of the Shrinking JeansUgh. NOT a great start to a challenge!!

Fortunately, I don't have to report a gain, but once again, I also can't report a loss.  Zip. Zero. Zilch.


I know exactly what the problem is, too. Snacking. I can exhibit all sorts of self-control at mealtimes, but I cannot seem to control the snacking. If I don't sit down in front of the TV at ALL, it's okay, but if I spend ANY time there... I nibble binge.

I allow one little snack, thinking that will be it ~ because, after all, I'm trying to lose weight and break bad eating habits and all ~ but it's like a dam bursts as soon as that first bite hits my tongue. And then I can't stop.

Hi, my name is Tammi, and I'm a compulsive over-eater.

In a way, I'm actually kind of looking forward to having the girls home all day so that I won't have quite so many opportunities to lose control.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Here we go again...

Burst into Summer Challenge @ Sisterhood of the Shrinking JeansKickin' off another weight-loss challenge over at The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans!!  And this one's another TEAM challenge.

I'll confess, that makes me a little nervous.  I mean, who wants to be the one responsible for sabotaging their team's efforts, right??  It's a bit scary, given my track record, but I'm determined to be a POSITIVELY CONTRIBUTING member!!

I'm down an even pound from last week, so I'm still making progress, but again this week I've been too weak in my struggle with "the munchies."  I have had a couple of good self-discipline days, but I know I definitely had more that weren't.  I need to change that ratio up a little, especially since I'm very rapidly approaching the weeks where I will NOT be fasting intermittently!

I talked about an eating plan a couple weeks ago that I've followed in the past with great success that incorporates intermittent fasting, but that I wasn't sure how I felt about not eating while my girls are around to witness my eating habits during the day.  I've decided that it's not really something I want them to see, since it's not something I want them employing should they suddenly feel they need to control, or ~ perish the thought ~ LOSE weight.  Because they really don't!  They're both very active little girls and neither sports a single excessive ounce, believe me!!

But they know their mom struggles with self-discipline in the eating and exercise areas and that's why she has more weight than necessary.  They understand working to lose the weight takes serious effort, and while there are plenty of health benefits to fasting regularly, it really doesn't set the example that I want them to follow. I want to help them learn to make wise decisions in this, and all areas of life, so that they won't have to work at undoing as many mistakes!

So my plan this summer is to let THEM do the meal- and snack-planning. Well, assist me with it, anyway! They know mom should probably have a few carrot and celery sticks rather than a handful of chips ~ after all, that's what I make them choose!! (Man, I am such a hypocrite.) They're also quite interested in seeing how our meals fit into the Canada Food Guide, so I think this plan for summer eating will be good for all of us. It might even find us making some long-term dietary changes...

Here's hoping!!


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In

Nothin' to report today.

No weight loss ~ no weight gain.

Considering we had weekend company (again) and that it's that special time of the month (again), I'm pretty happy with NOTHING.

But here's to some steady forward progress now that "houseguest season" is over and a new challenge is beginning! :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

May MY Weigh-in and Challenge Wrap-Up

May YOUR Way Challenge @ The Sisterhood of the Shrinking JeansWell, I'm back down to where I was the second week. But at least it's down from the beginning of the month and not up!  I'm posting a grand total loss of only 2.2 pounds for the last 4-1/2 weeks.

I gotta say, I'm not real pleased with that.  Especially since if weigh-in day had been on Monday, I would have been able to say a total loss of 3.8!!

I've decided to return to what worked the best for me in the past ~ a return to the eating plan recommended by the Bible study that kicked off this whole blog.  There's no counting, no calculating, no planning ~ just no breakfast and lunch some days!  As tough as it might be for some to understand, I find it easier to just not eat than to care about what I can or can't have, how much, how many points it's worth, or how many fat and calories it contains.  I even find it easier than days when the eating plan allows half-portions all day.  I guess I'm a bit of an "all or nothin'" kinda gal in that way!

I quit using this eating plan two years ago once summer rolled around.  When my girls were home during the day, I didn't want them to see me "starving myself" on the liquids/fasting days.  This year, with deciding to start again only a month before school's out, I'm faced again with the dilemma of how to handle it or if I will continue at all.  (My past experience with quitting and then trying to resume 2 months later would tell me it makes more sense NOT to take a break!!)

My girls know I'm overweight, and they know it's because I eat more than my body needs for daily function.  They understand the relationship there, and they also understand that because I wasn't more self-disciplined all these years, there's hard work to be done in order to reverse the effects ~ the weight AND the attitude/habits.  So I'm not sure I really NEED to hide it, yet I'm not sure I can do it successfully in a way that doesn't seem like I'm just consumed with meeting the beauty standards of the media.  So the jury's still out on that one.

But it is a return to the plan that netted me my loss this week, so I'm looking forward to at least another four weeks of good progress before summer begins!