About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Walk the Talk Tuesday

Tuesday (half)
Lazy; didn't record. Safe to say it wasn't treated like a half day...

Wednesday (liquid)
Breakfast: 1 c. skim milk (most in my coffee)

Shovelled the walk: 10 min
(I'm not a fan of winter, but I actually quite like this built-in outdoor exercise that comes with it, especially on days when I can't leave the house to go for a walk. And when I'm desperate, we've got a 75-ft driveway I can shovel, too!!)

1 c. hot V8
Afternoon: 1 mug ginger peach tea w/tsp. honey, handful assorted snacking crackers
Supper: 1 serving Scalloped Potatoes & Ham, 1 large serving cucumber salad, 1 c. ice tea
Evening: 1 large bowl Honey-Nut Cheerios w/skim milk, 2 slices FRESH-FROM-THE-MACHINE bread w/margarine and 4 slices of cheddar, small bowl barbecue chips.
Ugh. And I started out SO WELL! Nuts.

Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk, 1/2. skim milk, 1 slice toast w/Nutella

2 miles: 35 min
(Walked. It was -15C/5F this morning, so I had to break out the ski pants and winter boots. Probably won't be jogging anymore till spring...)
Shovelled the walk: 10 min

Late morning:
2 large handfuls salted, mixed nuts; 2 mugs mint green tea (one w/honey)
Lunch: a bit too large a serving of leftover Scalloped Potatoes & Ham from last night, 1 large glass ice tea
Supper: 1 c. Main Course Soup, 1 cheese toast, 1 slice cheddar (as I was preparing the cheese toasts!)
Evening: 3 servings chips, 1 can Coke
Dang it, I've got laundry to fold! Why wasn't I doing THAT??!!

(normal ~
switched with Saturday; and yes, this means I broke the rule about not having the same type of days back-to-back!!)
Breakfast: 1/3 c. oatmeal, cooked, w/a bit of skim milk and a heaping Tbsp. brown sugar, coffee w/skim milk
Lunch (and a friend over to plan church Christmas program): 1 c. Main Course Soup, 1 Cheese, Chive & Garlic biscuit, 1 c. V8 Splash
Supper: 1 can Coke, 1 hotdog w/chicken weiner and a slice of processed cheese, small helping of baked fries
Evening: 1 can Coke
Stayed away from the TV and avoided snacking this evening ~ woo-hoo!!

(fasting/liquids ~
traded w/Friday)

Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk
Lunch: 1 c. V8 Splash
Afternoon: 1 mug green tea w/tsp honey each
Before Supper: 2 handfuls mixed nuts, 3 slices cheddar
Supper: 1 serving Broccoli Cheddar Quiche, 3-1/2 Mom's Pantry Croissants w/margarine, 2 c. V8 Splash
Ugh. Again, I was doing SO well until I allowed myself one handful of nuts and a slice of cheese while making supper. See, but I could have compensated for the supper-making snack and given myself only an eighth of the quiche instead of a sixth. And I certainly could have stopped at just ONE croissant.... but I didn't.

I was so full, I wasn't even TEMPTED to snack later in the evening.

Sunday (half)

Breakfast: half slice of toast w/margarine & Nutella, 1 c. skim milk, most in my coffee
Lunch: 1 hotdog, a few fries
Afternoon: 4 freshly-baked Sugar Cookies, 1 c. skim milk
Supper: 1/2 c. Chicken Noodle Soup, 1 Garlic Cheddar & Chive biscuit
Evening (had a friend come over after we'd both put our kids to bed ~ relax, her husband was at home!!): 1 serving Pear Crisp w/scoop of vanilla ice cream

Monday (liquids)
Breakfast: coffee, coffee, and more coffee w/skim milk (stayed up a little too late last night and can't even blame the friend.)
Late lunch: 1 c. V8 (Cold. Man, did I have to gulp it fast in order to choke it down!), sliver of Cheddar Broccoli Quiche
Supper: small serving Cheesy Chicken Rice Casserole, 2 servings raw veggies w/a bit of low-fat salad dressing for dipping
Evening: 1/3 bag butter-flavoured, lite microwave popcorn, large handful snacking crackers

NOT a good liquids day. Too bad it wasn't a "half" day ~ I think it would have been excellent!! All in all, a less than stellar week.


Total exercise time: 55 min (avg: 8 min/day) Yikes.
Average Exercise Level: Moderate
Total distance travelled: 3 mi/4.8 km


Brooke said...

i'm struggling with exercise outside and our temps aren't nearly as cold as yours!!