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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

May MY Weigh Wednesday

May YOUR Way Challenge @ The Sisterhood of the Shrinking JeansDoes anyone else just compulsively throw EVERY. SINGLE. THING. they can find into their mouths at the beginning of that time of the month??  I never used to have any of the "symptoms" that so many women complain about, but I'm noticing certain ones developing ~ and worsening with age!

It's the weirdest feeling; somewhat similar to panic.  I almost literally can't sit still unless I've got food in my hands.  Not sure how to combat that!  Fortunately, it usually just hits me for a day or two at the beginning.  During the day, when there's stuff to get done, I can much more easily distract myself, but evenings are rough.  I'll admit to having a long, drawn-out "second supper" on Saturday night.

Followed closely, of course, by Mothers Day!!  We ate lunch at our favourite little Chinese food place which was having a smorg for the occasion, and I was still not hungry at 7:00pm when we finally had supper. I did eat, but only very little, figuring if I didn't have anything, I'd likely have problems falling asleep.

And then I had a package of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups in the evening.  You know, just to make sure!  ;)

Until the Saturday night grazing and the Sunday afternoon smorg, my weight was EXACTLY the same all week as it had been last week ~ right down to the tenth of a pound!  I was up considerably on Monday morning (surprise, surprise!), but after behaving myself for the remainder of the time till weigh-in, I managed to drop ALMOST back to last week's weight.  Not quite.  I'm up 0.4 lb, but I can deal with that, especially since it's very normal for me to gain a bit at this point in my monthly cycle anyway.

I'm doing really well with the water challenge, so I think that's probably helping.  I've always been a "heavy drinker," but this past week I've been making very sure I get in my full 64 ozs/2L daily.

This coming week will be a challenge as my SIL/cousin and her family, as well as another single SIL, will be spending the weekend at our house!!  Might have to do a bit of fasting before and after...  ;)


Brooke said...

its always difficult for me. i crave sodium (hello ramen!).

sounds like a good week for you, all things considered

*Lissa* said...

yes. i do. see last week's post. ;p

you will turn that piddly .4 around this week and then some!

Trish said...

Mine is just getting over and the beginning of the week was so hard. I have a sweet/salty craving. I'll eat something sweet and then go grab a chip or piece of ham. So I know exactly how you feel.

AnnG said...

You can recover from this easily. Just keep drinking that water and all will be good next week!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what chugging water does to rid your body of all that extra stuff. Here's to chugging!!

Andrea said...

Ugh...yes, that time of the month is a killer for the munchies for me too!!

(And how'd you make out after the weekend??)