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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Weight-in Wednesday: SDoS wk 4

Sisterhood of the Shrinking JeansMan, I tell ya, I am gettin' really tired of being sick!

This past weekend my cold had a resurgence ~ or I caught a new one without having fully gotten rid of the old one ~ and I've spent the last four days pursuing various vain efforts to soothe an incredibly sore throat. The glands in my throat are swollen to the point of popping and my ears and sinuses are STILL plugged.

We're goin' on THREE WEEKS already, and yes, I'm FINALLY seeing the doctor right before noon today. I don't believe in going to the doctor for coughs and colds, BUT... I detected two large white spots on my right tonsil yesterday. No more messin' around.

Anyhoo.... as a result of all this nonsense, I've been too tired and/or out of it to care much about meals. And swimming lessons are still wreaking havoc with the supper hour this week, so once again, both factors are reflected in my weight. But I'm still down by 0.8, which means I've lost 4 lbs in this challenge already! I'd hoped to be a little further, but considering my health over the last 3 weeks and that it's been raining and too wet to walk/run most of the month, I'm happy.

And, there are only 3 days of school left and then the girls and I dive into what will hopefully be a healthy and active summertime routine!!

Frisbee 1


Unknown said...

Well you are doing great considering you've been sick. Glad to hear that you are going to the doctor, I was stubborn about going too.

Brooke said...

good job heading in the right direction - and i mean the doctor more than i mean the scale!!

Christy M. said...

Great job, Tammi! I hope you figure out what's going on with your health and get to feeling better soon!!


Stillmary said...

For some reason, there's no cold worse than a summer cold. I'm so glad you're seeing the doctor. I'll bet by Friday you'll be feeling really good! And losing weight despite all that is a real plus. Usually I want to eat just to comfort myself, I'm so glad you haven't fallen into that trap!

Mendie said...

yeah for being down, now go get rid of those bumps...yikes! feel better!

Adrienne said...

I don't like going to the doctor either just because I sneezed.

I finally went and it turns out I had a sinus infection.

I hope you feel better.

Good job at getting your kids involved. I wish my parents had done that with me.

Anonymous said...

Good job on the loss!! Hope you feel better soon!!

Christie O. said...

oh boy, you poor thing! i hope you feel better soon, girl!

Tiffany said...

Great job! Down is down and good for you for continuing in that direction in spite of being sick.

Anonymous said...

Wow! 4 pounds with all that going on? You are doing awesome!