About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tracking (and reporting) again. ::sigh::

Tuesday (half day)
Breakfast: 1 c. skim milk, coffee
Lunch: 1 c. leftover rice, 1 bite of Fidget's leftover pizza ('cuz that's all she left!), 1 c. V8 Splash
Supper: 1 serving Garden Chicken & Stuffing Casserole, 1 large serving cooked mixed veggies
Evening: 2 medium stalks of celery w/peanut butter, 1 mug tea w/honey

Wednesday (liquids)
100/200/200: 15 min
(week 2/day 1)
Breakfast: 1 c. skim milk, coffee, 1 slice toast w/margarine (half w/Nutella, too)
2 miles: 35 min

Lunch: 1 mug skinny fake cappuccino (1/2 coffee, 1/2 skim milk, 3 tsp. chocolate milk powder)
Afternoon: 1 c. V8 Splash, 1 mug unsweetened green tea
Supper: 1 serving Shepherd's Pie, large serving cucumber salad

Thursday (normal)
Breakfast: small bowl porridge w/heaping Tbsp. brown sugar and a bit of skim milk, 1/2 c. apple juice, coffee
2 miles: 35 min
(DANG, it's cold out there! Minus 35C/-31F with the windchill!!)
Late Morning: 1 mug green tea w/a bit of honey
Lunch: 3 small pieces leftover pizza, 1/2 large orange
Afternoon: 1 chocolate chip cookie, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 mug tea w/a bit of honey, handful snacking crackers and 2 slices cheddar
Supper: 2 servings Garlic Salmon Linguine, large serving tossed salad w/lite dressing, 1-1/2 c. ice tea

Friday (liquids)
100/200/200: 15 min
(week 2/day 2)
Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk, 1-1/2 c. apple juice
Late Morning: 1 mug green tea w/honey
Lunch: 1-1/4 c. hot V8
Afternoon: 1 mug hot cocoa (made w/skim milk)
2 miles: 35 min
(overdressed; definitely sweated off some water weight today!)
Supper Prep: 3 slices of cheddar
Supper: 1 c. Creamy Wild Rice Soup, 2 Cheddar, Chive & Garlic drop biscuits, 1-1/2 c. ice tea
Evening Snack (we were invited over to friends' for the evening): 4 small handfuls of tortilla chips w/warm queso dip, grapes, 2 mugs coffee w/sweetened, flavoured creamer

Saturday (normal)
Early Morning: coffee w/skim milk
Brunch (which lasted all morning): 2 homemade Egg McMuffins, 1-1/2 c. skim milk, 2 chocolate chip cookies
2 miles: 40 min
(took it easy today)
Afternoon: 1 can Coke, 2 large handful snacking crackers
Supper: large piece of farmer sausage, 5 cheddar & potato perogies w/fat-free sour cream, cooked carrots w/margarine & parsley
Evening: 1 can Coke, WAY too many nacho chips w/salsa, 3 small Toblerone triangles

Sunday (half)
100/200/200: 15 min
(week 2/day 3)
Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk, half slice toast w/Nutella, 1/2 c. skim milk
Lunch: Friends took us out for all-you-can-eat lunch buffet... 'Nuff said.
4 miles: 70 min
(walked; specifically UNDERdressed to burn more calories!!)
Supper: 2 leftover Cheddar, Chive & Garlic biscuits, 1/2 c. Creamy Wild Rice Soup, 1 serving leftover Garden Chicken & Stuffing Casserole

Today was NOT a "half" day, that's for sure!

Monday (liquids)
Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk, 2 fried eggs, 2 slices cheddar, 2 slices toast w/margarine & honey, 1/2 c. skim milk. Oof, liquids day is off to a rough start! (But I excused it with the fact that it was hubby's last meal at home until Friday supper at the earliest ~ and he wanted to make breakfast!)
Lunch: 1 c. hot V8, 1/2 c. skim milk
2 miles: 35 min
Afternoon: 2 mugs green tea w/honey, 1 apple, 1 slice leftover cheese toast from lunch
Supper: small chunk farmer sausage, 1 large serving Macaroni & Cheese Deluxe
Evening (MELTDOWN ALERT): 1/2 bag lite microwave popcorn, EIGHT chocolate chip cookies, 2 c. skim milk

Man, I was doing so well until Saturday night! Been kinda downhill ever since... Hubby is FINALLY back to work; he left Monday night. The first night he's gone is always a rough one for me, eating-wise. Just my luck it was the night before weigh-in!

Total Exercise Time: 4 hrs, 55 min (avg: 42 min/day)
Average Exercise Level: Moderate


Brooke said...

you got some good exercise in this week, you should be proud of that. :)

Mendie said...

I'm scared of buffets...not ready for the temptations. You did good 90% of the time, and exercised tons. Keep working, you are doing better!