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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Walk the Talk Tuesday

Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk, 1/2 c. skim milk, 1 slice toast w/margarine & Nutella
Lunch: 1 serving Campbell's Chicken & Tortellini soup
Afternoon: 1 banana, 1 mug hot chocolate (made w/skim milk, cocoa and sugar)
Supper: 2 small servings Black Beans & Rice, fresh cucumber chunks and cherry tomatoes, 1 c. ice tea

Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk

2.25 miles: 25 min
(walked the 1/8-mile warm-up and cool-down, but jogged the full 2 miles!!)

Afternoon: 1 banana, 2 mugs green tea w/a bit of honey, 2 small fresh carrots (dirt and everything!)
Supper: 1 c. Veggie Cream Soup, 3 cheesey drop biscuits
Evening: another mug of green tea/honey

Yes! A successful fasting day! Finally. (I allowed the banana and carrots because I had no fruit or veggie juice in the house)

Breakfast: 1 c. skim milk, coffee w/skim milk (some from the 1 c.), 1 small slice toast w/margarine
Lunch: small serving leftover Hamburger Stroganoff w/spaghetti, 1 orange
Afternoon: 1 fresh carrot, and later, FIVE fresh chocolate chip oatmeal cookies w/1 c. skim milk. Sheesh. How can you tell I rarely bake cookies?! What a treat!
Evening (skipped supper since hubby wasn't home and I wasn't hungry ~ go figure.): one cheese & red pepper sandwich (2 slices bread, low-fat Miracle Whip, 1/2 a fresh red pepper and cheddar slices to cover one piece of bread), 1 c. ice tea...

...and three more cookies w/1 c. skim milk

Breakfast: 1/2 Tim Horton's chocolate glazed Boston cream donut, 1/2 maple glazed donut, 1 c. skim milk, coffee w/skim milk

Dang it, The Bushman brought home donuts in the middle of the night and I just couldn't resist this morning. The second fasting day of the week is off to a bit of a rocky start!!

2.25 miles: 30 min
(walked 1/4 mile, jogged 3/4 mile, walk 1/4, jog 3/8, walk 1/8, jog 3/8, walk 1/8)

Lunch: polished off way too much leftover tuna noodle casserole AND hamburger stroganoff. And ate 3 more cookies w/a tall glass of milk.
Afternoon: handful pretzels, 2 slices processed cheese
Supper: two small cobs of corn, large serving Crispy Potato Cubes w/fat-free sour cream, small chunk baked ham, 2 large servings cucumber salad
Evening: another FOUR cookies w/a tall glass of milk!

I think we will call this day Tammi and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad DAY!! Yikes.

Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk, 1 banana
Lunch: 1-1/2 homemade Egg McMuffins w/ham & processed cheese, 1 c. skim milk

2.5 mile bike ride w/girls: 60 min
(with a stop to visit the horses a mile south of us)
3 mile bike ride to the store in town and back: 20 min
(can't have a hotdog supper without chips!!)

Supper: 2 large handfuls chips, 1 hotdog, 1/2 c. beans, two pieces Fudgy Toffee Bars, 2 c. skim milk

Breakfast: medium bowl Alpha-Bits w/skim milk, coffee w/skim milk, 1 small slice toast w/margarine
Lunch: 1 hotdog w/processed cheese, 2 medium fresh carrots, WAY too many chips, 1/2 c. ice tea

2.25 miles: 30 min
(jog 3/8 mi, walk 1/8 mi X 4; 1/8 mi walk warm-up/cool-down at each end)
lawn-mowing: 20 min

Supper: 1 serving Zucchini Casserole (added carrots and ham), 2 Cornmeal Muffins, 1 c. ice tea, 2 pieces Fudgy Toffee Bars, 2 c. skim milk

Ate WAY too much this weekend. Don't remember the last time I felt hungry, but have felt over-full for the last two days already. NOT GOOD.

Breakfast: too much coffee w/skim milk, 2 c. skim milk (one hot w/sugar & cocoa)

2.25 miles: 45 min
(walked today)

Lunch: 1 fresh carrot, 5 fresh cherry tomatoes
Afternoon: 1 Zucchini Nut Muffin, 1 c. Chai tea w/honey
Supper: small serving leftover Coffee Cup Pork Roast & gravy over mashed potatoes, 1 serving cucumber salad, 1 c. ice tea
Evening: 1 large bowl Mini-Wheats cereal w/skim milk

Total exercise time: 3 hrs, 50 min (avg. 32.8 min/day)
largely moderate exercise this week

Another less-than-stellar week. Man, I'm sure not doin' much to feed the hungry around here!!

Fat Woman 5


Brooke said...

you should be proud of all that exercise you're getting in though!