About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Walk the Talk Tuesday

Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk, 1 mug homemade mocha, 1 slice toast w/margarine & saskatoon jam, 1 c. skim milk

two miles: 25 min
(jog 1/2-mile, walk 1/4-mile, jog 1/2, walk 1/4, jog 1/2)

Afternoon snack:
two handfuls snacking crackers
Supper: 1 serving Beefy Jalapeno Corn Bake w/salsa & fat-free sour cream, 1 serving cooked rice (in chicken broth), lots of fresh, raw zucchini and cucumber slices, 3 large chunks watermelon, 2 c. iced tea


Brunch: 3 small cinnamon biscuits, 2 c. skim milk, coffee w/skim milk
Supper: 1 grilled pork chop, 2 servings Herbed Mashed Potatoes, 1 large serving tossed salad (lettuce, tomato, shredded cheese, a few crumbled taco chips and dressing made w/Miracle Whip and Sundried Tomato & Oregano dressing), fresh cucumber and zucchini slices, 2 c. iced tea, small scoop ice cream w/homemade chocolate sauce, decaf coffee w/skim milk
VERY Late-night snack: 1/2 a bag of lite microwave popcorn, WAY too many snacking crackers, 1/2 c. iced tea

Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk
Lunch: 1 serving Zucchini casserole, more coffee! Fresh cucumbers
Afternoon: another cucumber, mug of unsweetened green tea
Supper: leftovers from last night ~ 1 pork chop, 1 medium serving mashed potatoes, 2 cucumbers, 1 c. iced tea, 2 pieces leftover Gingerbread cake (it's finally gone!!), 1 c. skim milk

two miles: 25 min
(jogged 3/8 mile and walked 1/8 mile four times ~ definitely tougher than Tuesday, even though total walking and jogging distances were the same)

Evening snack:
one Banana Chip Muffin, 1 c. skim milk

Breakfast: coffee w/skim milk, 1 c. skim milk, 1 small piece of toast w/margarine

two miles: 25 min
(jogged 3/8 mile and walked 1/8 mile four times)

two small cucumbers, one large piece watermelon
Supper: 3/4 c. "Mud" Soup, 6 garlic breadsticks, 1 c. iced tea

Late morning: coffee w/skim milk, 2 fried eggs, 1 slice toast w/margarine & honey
Lunch: 1/2 c. Mud Soup, 1 breadstick

Went back up to the same lake we got rained out at last weekend ~ this time for church camp. Decided to have at least ONE over-nighter at the lake this year!! Since most people just come Sunday for the day, we didn't bother bringing our camper; just moved into a cabin for the one night.

2 pizza filling "pie irons", 1 c. iced tea

very brisk walk: 45 min


Breakfast: 1 Banana Chip Muffin, coffee w/whitener, 1 slice cheese
Lunch: 1/2 bun w/chili, raw carrots & cucumbers w/dip, lots of grapes & honeydew w/fruit dip, 2 chocolate chip cookies, 1 square of some other dessert-y thing, 2 c. peach juice

another very brisk walk: 45 min

2 platefuls of various salads, cold cuts, and fruit, 2 c. peach juice, a couple desserts

Got home from the lake around 9 pm. It was an incredible weekend. Really hard to believe we were at the same camp at the same lake as we were last weekend ~ VERY different weather!! (thank goodness!!)

Evening snack:
1 can Coke, 1 Banana Chip muffin, way too many snacking crackers

Beakfast: coffee w/skim milk, 1 Banana Chip Muffin
Afternoon: finished off 1/2-serving each of rice and Jalapeno Corn Bake that someone else left over at lunch

two miles: 25 min
(same routine as Friday)

1/4 c. chili, 2 pizza buns (leftovers from church camp), lots of fresh cucumbers, 2 c. iced tea, 2 pieces Puffed Wheat Cake, 1 c. skim milk

Total exercise time: 3 hours & 10 minutes!!

(moderate to difficult exercise;
avg: 27 mins/day)


Mendie said...

Those banana chip muffins sound so yummy...especially warmed up!