About my Blog

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Walk the Talk Tuesday

Friday: Was supposed to be a fasting day. And it was...

...until my daughter left some French Toast Casserole on her plate after lunch. Which burst the dam and led to some mid-afternoon burrito madness. Had no supper, but polished off THREE soft, warm, FRESH-FROM-THE-OVEN garlic breadsticks in the evening. Fortunately, they weren't the biggest ones, but still. The in-laws arrived just after 11 pm, bearing gifts of Tim Hortons donuts and I actually managed to just leave them on the kitchen counter until the next day! One tiny bright spot in an otherwise dismal day. No walk either. Ugh.

Saturday: A donut for breakfast (the in-laws always bring a dozen when they come out for a visit), moderate late brunch (Hearty Breakfast Casserole and Cornmeal Biscuits), delicious grilled marinated steak and Herbed Mashed Potato supper with Layered Pumpkin Cheesecake for dessert to celebrate my father-in-law's birthday. Ate moderately all day (which impressed me because they were all favourite foods!). Stepped on the scale for a mid-week check and discovered I was only up 0.2 from last weigh-in and since I weigh in in the mornings and this was just before supper, I was pretty happy. Had a brisk 2-mile walk in the afternoon.

Sunday: Caved a little today. It was supposed to be a "half" day, and I did well at breakfast with only a half-slice of toast, but ate normally at lunch ("Mud soup" and the re-heated garlic breadsticks that I pre-made ~ and "sampled" ~ on Friday.) and a little excessively at supper. Because with hotdogs, one must also serve chips. Creamy Dill chips, to be precise. Which we already know are a HUGE weakness of mine!!

Served the rest of the cheesecake later in the evening. Got in a good walk with my mother-in-law in the afternoon though.

Monday: Ugh. It was a liquid day today, but you'd certainly never have known it. I didn't even think twice about it as I got a light breakfast ready for myself, my girls, and my in-laws. Had TWO pieces of toast, which is MORE than I normally have. And then a big fat burrito for lunch mid-afternoon. No walk. Had a BOLOGNA BURGER, of all things, for supper. Accompanied by chips, of course, because there were two already opened bags in the cupboard. I threw in a handful of cucumber slices for good measure.... {sigh}

I SO badly wanted to finish off the bag of Creamy Dill chips in the evening after the girls were in bed, but for once during the fiasco of a day, I stuck to my convictions and folded laundry for the hour I watched TV, and then came here into the office and caught up on business paperwork before going to bed. MAN, I WANTED THOSE CHIPS!!!!

As good as victory feels,
it's amazing how difficult it is
to actually desire it.

So there you have it. A blow-by-blow account. And tomorrow we'll see how it all affected my weight...

S. C. A. R. Y.


Brooke said...

i'm scared of tomorrow's weigh in too :(