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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Monday, May 25, 2009

O, How are the Mighty Fallen!

You guessed it. After the rush of winning the title of "Shrinking into Summer's Biggest Shrinker" and basking in all the compliments...

I binged.

I ate nothing until suppertime Friday because it was a fasting day, but I'm sure I more than made up for it in the evening. And all day Saturday. And yesterday.

Interesting how I've come across 1 Corinthians 10:12 THREE TIMES since Friday...

"So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!"

Whoops. Guilty.

Those fasting days are rough, no doubt about it. Liquids days I can handle (fairly well!), but fasting days are killer!

I need to start making supper in the morning on Fridays, I think! That way, I wouldn't have to prepare food when I'm at my weakest. Just turn on the oven. Still, that would only solve one problem. The other being that filthy lie that always pops into my head once my girls are in bed....

"You didn't eat all day. You deserve a li'l sumthin.'"

THAT'S my biggest downfall every Friday night. It's often heard on Monday and Wednesday nights, too, but somehow, it's a bit easier to ignore those days. Usually...

But once again today, I've got a SERIOUS snack craving coming on, just waiting for the moment the girls are in bed ~ counting down the milli-seconds ~ before launching a full assault on my self-discipline. And the thing is, I ate supper and yet only 90 minutes later, my stomach is actually growling again. So technically, according to this eating plan, I can allow myself to have something. But what? Hmmm...

We've got no chips in the house, so that's good, but there are leftovers. Ohhh, are there ever leftovers! And fruit. (But who are we kidding?! You KNOW I'm not gonna pick fruit.)

I've once again left my Bible study lesson for the end of the day, so that will hold me off for about an hour or so, but after that...?

Geez, I'll be lucky if I've lost any weight since last Wednesday.

Fat Woman 5


Pamela said...

I use food as a reward too...I say 'I deserve it' too much and my clothes are fitting more snuggly because of it. Keep working towards your goal...reaching it is the greatest reward!

Tammy said...

I hear ya! And it's so counterproductive and really doesn't make sense.

Wow - I completed Level 3 of The Shred - I deserve to have some chips tonight.

When really it should be - Wow, I worked so hard to complete the Shred that I don't want to waste all that hard work by caving to the call of the chips!

Apparently our stomaches (and our will!) don't always listen to such logic.

Louise said...

Don't know if I'll ever learn :S

Brooke said...

i had a moment like that this weekend too. i held out, but decide that it meant i needed to be a little more flexible with myself this week/

Andrea said...

I am failing miserably in this whole department myself. At least you are making more good decisions than bad ones, otherwise you woulnd't have been able to lose those FIFTEEN pounds.