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But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday

New Years Challenge @ Shrinking Jeans
Click to head over to the host
site and visit other participants.
Okay, so I didn't lose as much as I was "planning" to, but I did drop just over 6# since New Years Day.

Because of my seasonal job (tax time help at a local accountant's office), I have gotten, like, NO walks in, but I'm happy to report my fruits and veggies consumption has been maintained and I've been doing floor exercises every morning.

So, here's to keeping on keeping on!


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Weighing In

New Years Challenge @ Shrinking Jeans
Click to head over to the host
site and visit other participants.
Well, two weeks ago I was kinda hoping I'd forget to eat among all the activity going on in my life, but sadly, that didn't happen.

I'm still hovering at the 175# mark.

So, unfortunately, I haven't really lost anything since the second week of this challenge. 

But fortunately, I've proven I can maintain!  That should stand me in good stead down the road.

I got side-tracked.  In the busy-ness of managing a part-time job while still trying to be a full-time wife, mother, and homemaker, I became two people ~ mild-mannered, eating-plan conscious by day, snacking fiend at night after the kids were in bed.

But I think things have settled and I've refocused again.  I'm looking forward to being a bigger loser in the near future!  :)


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Weigh-in Wednesday

New Years Challenge @ Shrinking Jeans
Click to head over to the host
site and visit other participants.
One step forward, two steps back.  Or maybe just the two steps back.

It's only a pound in the wrong direction, but it rankles, my friends.  It RANKLES.

I was HOPING to stay the same, but it doesn't surprise me to be up a little this week.  First we had our little two-day family get-away,
If you're unfamiliar with raclette,
click the picture for more info.  We
did ours a little differently and just
used the top for meat, putting our
veggies and cheese together on
the little paddles beneath.
and then as soon as we got back, we had two evenings in a row partying and potlucking with friends.

I ate my very first raclette meal on Saturday... VERY dangerous, I tell ya whut!  It's that sneaky kind of meal ~ sorta like fondue ~ where you sit around the table for hours, just "snacking" with a group of friends, and only realize once you get up how much you've actually over-eaten!  SO delicious.

And now we've probably got two weekends in a row where we'll have company for 2-3 days each... man, the tough eating situations just won't end!!  The Man's parents will be out this coming weekend from Saturday afternoon to Monday afternoon and then my parents will most likely be out next weekend from Friday evening to Monday afternoon.

And I'll probably be working a few extra hours in the coming weeks as well as the push to get T4s* out reaches fever pitch. So finding time for exercise (I've actually started getting up even earlier in the morning to do 20 minutes of pilates each workday), meal planning, and prep time will ALSO be more of a challenge than it has been since I started my 25-hr/wk job last month.

Maybe in all the busyness I'll forget to eat...

(yeah, right!) 

* I'm not sure of the American equivalent ~ it's a slip you get from your employer(s) detailing gross income and all deductions that gets attached to your tax return.  In Canada, every employee must have theirs by Feb 28.